Conference Tracks
I.C.E. organizes sessions in to the following tracks. Click the track titles below to review descriptions, and generate ideas for a proposal topic or confirm the track where your proposal best fits.
Beyond Traditional Credentials (assessment-based certificate programs, micro-credentials, stackable credentials, etc.)
The Beyond Traditional Credentials track highlights credentials other than certifications and licenses. This track features presentations on assessment-based certificate programs, micro-credentials, stackable credentials, and other types of non-traditional credentials.
Examples of topics include:
- The strategic use of non-traditional credentials to support workforce development, upskilling, and DE&I
- The value and implementation of digital badging
- Development of stackable credentials to support career pathway advancement
- Psychometric considerations and approaches to psychometrics for non-traditional credentials
- The relationship between needs assessment, curriculum development, and assessment development in non-traditional credentials
- Development of non-traditional credentialing programs, including partnerships with academia, community groups, workforce boards, or industry partners
- The quality controls and standards necessary for non-traditional credentials to support integration into traditional frameworks
- Considerations, opportunities, and challenges of incorporating non-traditional credentials into certification and/or licensure programs
- Accreditation for non-traditional credentials, including evaluating the need and feasibility, establishing appropriate firewalls, and maintenance
- Utilizing AI in non-traditional credentials
Business of Credentialing and Program Operations
The Business of Credentialing and Program Operations track focuses on topics related to running a high performing credentialing organization as a business. This track features presentations on organizational governance, strategic and operational decision making, legal and ethical issues, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), international expansion, strategic partnerships, and vendor relationships.
Examples of topics include:
- Governance and strategic planning
- Volunteer recruitment, selection, engagement, and management
- Identifying, implementing, and evaluating DE&I initiatives for credentialing programs and key stakeholder groups
- Test administration policies, procedures, and considerations, including test delivery modalities
- Considerations for modifying, merging, or sunsetting credentialing programs
- Maintenance of certification for voluntary certification programs
- Stakeholder management, including testing partners, regulators, internal, and external customers
- Business continuity and risk management, lessons learned, proactive assessment, and mitigation planning
- Pricing strategies, competitive pricing, regional and global pricing variance
- Legal considerations, including recognition of certification and recertification in legislation
- Professional conduct and disciplinary program policies, procedures, and challenges
- Applications of AI to credentialing business operations
- Credentialing profession history and career trajectories
- International considerations, such as peer-based certification program requirements (vs. licensure), localization, and translation
- Evaluating credentialing programs for accreditation consideration and application, business considerations, governance, fiscal, and operational impacts.
Credentialing Innovations
The Credentialing Innovations track is focused on the breakthroughs and improvements that will take credentialing and credentialing organizations into the future. Addressing everything from emerging technologies to societal and business factors, learn about the trends that directly and indirectly impact our industry and challenge us to remain relevant and resilient. This track explores insights, advancements, and truly new ideas that will help shape the future of credentialing.
Examples of topics in the Credentialing Innovations track include:
- Applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in testing and credentialing
- The Future of Credentialing
- The changing global landscape and its impact on testing and credentialing
- Innovation as a result of disruption in society and our industry
- Innovative business and governance approaches, including program, policy and process reinvention
- New applications of current technology, science, and automation
- Innovative and evolved approaches to psychometrics and test development
- Innovations in training, development, and human resources
- The evolving landscape of remote proctoring
- The gamification of testing
Data Management, Privacy, and Test Security
The Data Management, Privacy, and Test Security track includes content relevant to practices, processes, tools, and systems for safeguarding sensitive information, maintaining privacy standards, and ensuring the integrity of assessments within the credentialing profession. This includes new and innovative approaches to test security, as well as compliance with key regulations in the data privacy and security spaces (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).
Examples of topics include:
- Best practices for data collection and storage (e.g., what data is being collected, what is the data used for, removing bias from collection practices, protecting candidate information and test content, etc.)
- Processes/tools for data gathering
- Trends in data forensics
- Process improvement tools to support test security
- Data security audits
- Expanding threats of data security
- Evolutions in exam or program security
- Expanding threats and legal considerations of program security (such as proxy testing, item theft/harvesting)
- Security in international markets
- Technology and methodology for secure remote or online test delivery, including secure online platforms and proctoring solutions
- Policy development and considerations for AI
- Biometric Authentication in Testing
- Legal and Ethical Considerations in Data Management
- Incident Response and Crisis Management
Marketing, Communications, and Program Growth
The Marketing ,Communications, and Program Growth track focuses on strategies to fuel program awareness, value and growth. It highlights innovative ways to communicate and engage with key stakeholders. This track features sessions designed to help credentialing organizations develop, implement, and improve their marketing and communications strategy and tactical execution.
Examples of topics include:
- Innovative social media strategies
- New ways to capture and use current data for strategic planning/marketing
- Using data visualization strategies to communicate to stakeholders
- Defining and responding to competitive threats
- Conducting market research to understand what employers and the public need to know about your certification
- How to develop, measure, and promote the benefits of your value proposition
- Soliciting feedback from the public and other stakeholders
- Communicating with your stakeholders during and after a crisis
- How to identify emerging and diverse target markets for your certification program
- Creative marketing methods to inspire diversity, equity, and inclusion
- How to use digital credentials to promote credentialing programs
- Maximizing your website presence and addressing accessibility and compliance
- Increasing your communication reach with video, podcasts, and exhibits
- Using AI tools to augment written and graphic content creation
Standards and Accreditation
The Standards and Accreditation track focuses on insights and guidance on credentialing standards, including The NCCA Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs, ISO/IEC 17024 Standard, and the ICE 1100 Standards for Assessment-Based Certificate Programs. Sessions in this track deliver practical tools and strategies for navigating the accreditation process, ensuring ongoing compliance with these standards, and the value of accreditation.
Examples of topics include:
- Why seek accreditation?
- How do the different accreditations vary in their approach?
- How to choose the right standard for your program's needs
- Quality assurance principles and practices
- Documentation best practices
- Basic tools for process improvement
- Maintaining compliance after accreditation
- Reaccreditation readiness
- Promoting the value of accreditation
- Business considerations for seeking accreditation
- Maintaining firewalls between parent organizations, certification bodies, education departments, and service providers
- Policy development and implementation of AI
- Use of AI to assist in the accreditation process
Test Development and Psychometrics
The Test Development and Psychometrics track highlights best practices and innovations in test development and psychometrics. From job analysis to item and exam development through standard setting and ongoing exam maintenance, this track focuses on lessons learned from tried-and-true methodologies and emerging approaches to test development and psychometrics.
Examples of topics include:
- Identifying and developing effective types of assessments for individual credentialing programs
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) considerations in test development and psychometrics
- Strategies for addressing and assessing inclusiveness and accessibility of exam content
- Best practices and innovations in job analysis and competency modeling
- Innovations and enhancements in item development
- Best practices and innovations in standard setting methodologies
- Methods for monitoring, evaluating, and enhancing an existing assessment
- Psychometrics 101
- Test Development 101
- Use of generative AI in content development
- Performance-based testing