I.C.E. Exchange Presenter Agreement
The I.C.E. Exchange Presenter’s Agreement is designed to ensure any presentation given at an I.C.E. sponsored event effectively aligns with the mission and goals of I.C.E. This agreement encourages open dialogue and the exchange of ideas and opinions. Failure to adhere to this policy could adversely impact whether the presenter(s) is invited back for future I.C.E. presentations.
Your participation as a presenter at an I.C.E. event requires your agreement and acceptance to the following terms, expectations & information. All agreements are in effect until completion of the session presentation(s) by the presenters.
Main Contact for Session
A main contact for the session will be identified and shared with I.C.E. staff upon confirmation of agreement to present. I.C.E. will contact the individual confirmed as the Main Contact with all session information and deadlines.
The Main Contact will:
- Serve as the point of contact for the session.
- Share with all presenters the relevant communications and instructions for presenting at the Exchange, including deadlines, conference schedule, and format updates.
- Notify I.C.E. staff as soon as possible if any presenters are not able to attend the I.C.E. Exchange in-person.
- Send in writing to I.C.E. staff any presenter substitutions and/or addition requests. Presenter changes must be approved by the I.C.E. Program Committee. The committee reserves the right to help identify an appropriate presenter or reject a previously accepted session based on these changes.
- Ensure all presenter information is up-to-date, and headshots are provided for the presenter directory.
- Ensure all deadlines are communicated and met.
Deadlines and Deliverables
All presenters agree to meet all deadlines and deliverables:
- June 6: Review and agree to the Presenter Policy and Agreement
- September 12: Attend or view orientation webinar
- October 23: Deadline to book your hotel room at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach (although we recommend you book as soon as possible).
- November 5: Register for the I.C.E. Exchange, and submit online your presentation on the I.C.E. PowerPoint template, and any materials you would like posted on the mobile app.
Session Presentation Agreements
- Fulfill your obligation to conduct the I.C.E. Exchange session on the final scheduled day and time in person. If a conflict comes up, we will email I.C.E. staff immediately with any requests. Cancellation may preclude future invitations to submit.
- Arrive to the session prepared to present content as appropriate for the format.
- Use the I.C.E. Exchange PowerPoint template to design and deliver the session presentation.
- Refrain from referencing specific product solutions or services before, during, or after the session.
- PowerPoint presentations and handouts shall not be product branded, but will use the approved I.C.E. Exchange template
- Case studies will focus on critical decision points, applied theory, the identification process for practical solutions and method of delivery – not on the use of a specific product or service to meet or achieve these results
- If a specific product or service will be referenced in your presentation, a disclosure will be necessary in the first slide of the PowerPoint
- Refrain from language that might be considered marketing of businesses with which you have a relationship or profit from.
- Refrain from using offensive or unwanted behavior or language related to, but not limited to, race, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, transgender status, age, disability, veteran or marital status, or any other similar categories.
- Present the session in an engaging manner that considers the adult learning environment, and considers accessibility requests shared by I.C.E.
- Agree to provide hard copies of session materials, if needed (I.C.E. will publish presentation materials and handouts to the I.C.E. Exchange mobile app and/or any other platforms where we host content).
- Understand the views and opinions expressed during the presentation are the speakers’ and should not be presented as those of I.C.E. The I.C.E. Exchange is an educational event created to serve the best interest of the attendees.
Mutual Hold Harmless Clause
Each party shall defend any third party claim against the other party arising from the death of or physical injury to any person or damage to the indemnified party’s property or other breach of this agreement to the extent proximately caused by the negligence of the indemnifying party or its agents or employees, and indemnify and hold harmless the other party and its respective officers, directors, employees and volunteers from and against damages, liabilities and reasonable costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees incurred in connection therewith.
I.C.E. Exchange Presenter Agreement: DE&I Statement
Each party shall read and agree to abide by the I.C.E. Exchange Code of Conduct and the I.C.E. DE&I statement. Doing so ensures that all attendees are empowered to feel comfortable in the conference environment.
DE&I best practices include (but are not limited to):
- All presenters and attendees use the microphones provided, regardless of the size of the room or number of attendees. I.C.E. staff, volunteers, and presenters may assist in circulating a microphone if necessary.
- Session content and questions are handled respectfully.
- Presentation materials follow accessibility guidelines so post-conference materials can be easily accessed by all attendees.
Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated and could result in debarment from current, and/or any future I.C.E. events. If a speaker is found or reasonably believed to be engaging in unacceptable behavior, I.C.E. may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from the event without warning or refund. If appropriate, local law enforcement may get involved.
I.C.E. Exchange Presenter’s Agreement: Registration and Housing
Presenter registration is not complimentary for the I.C.E. Exchange and pre-registration is required. All presenters must register and pay for the Exchange by November 5, 2025. A discounted speaker rate is available with a discount code provided by I.C.E. staff.
After registering, you will receive information on how to book your hotel stay in the registration email confirmation. Presenters are responsible for making their own hotel arrangements. Hotel reservations must be made by October 23, 2025.
I.C.E. Exchange Presenter’s Agreement: Permissions
As a speaker of the 2025 I.C.E. Exchange, I agree to:
- grant I.C.E. permission to video and/or audio record the session in part or in whole for reference materials and/or other educational purposes.
- extend I.C.E. the rights to publish presentation highlights on the I.C.E. website and in printed or electronic promotional material.
- grant I.C.E. the right to distribute and/or make public program materials from your presentation, in PDF format, to the membership and/or the general public.
I confirm all materials and content presented do not infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, patent or intellectual property rights of any person or entity.
I.C.E. Exchange Presenter’s Agreement: Session Format
As a speaker of the 2025 I.C.E. Exchange, I understand and agree to present my session in the accepted session format:
- Concurrent Session— A traditional conference session that combines sharing of content with interaction with the audience. A laptop, projector, screen, and microphones are provided.
- Facilitated Discussion Session—A discussion-focused session focused. The goal is to encourage discussion and networking among attendees. Microphones are provided. No additional av is provided.
- Lightning Learning Session—A 15-minute session focused on a specific topic, that shares 3-5 ideas that an individual can directly apply in their work. A laptop, projector, screen, and microphones are provided.
- E-Poster and Meet the Author Presentation— A single PowerPoint slide of information displayed throughout the conference, with the opportunity for authors to host an informal 10-minute discussion. The Poster will be displayed on a monitor in the Innovation Hall.
- Networking Session—A 45 to 60 minute session focused on networking among attendees.
- Preconference Workshop—3-hour interactive workshop, with laptop, projector, screen, and
I confirm I understand the format my session will be delivered and the resources I.C.E. staff will provide for the session delivery.