I.C.E. is here to answer any questions that you have. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
SCAM Alert: Every year I.C.E. is alerted to various scams related to the I.C.E. Exchange. You should only be contacted by authorized representatives from I.C.E. regarding the I.C.E. Exchange. Official communications will be sent via emails with the credentialingexcellence.org domain unless noted otherwise by I.C.E. and on the conference website. If you receive any suspicious communication, please contact I.C.E. immediately and share as much detail as possible (name, contact information, organization).
Question regarding registration can be sent to registration@credentialingexcellence.org

Gioia Guevara
Registration Sr. Associate
Contact speakers@credentialingexcellence.org with any questions related to the conference educational program.

Grace Calloway
Coordinator, Education and Operations
Sales Services
Question regarding Sponsorship and Exhibiting can be sent to meetings@credentialingexcellence.org

Everett Lightle
Sales Manager